Friday, June 12, 2009

Well.. at Least there's Cake?

We got a look at the Smuggler class. Bioware must think Star Wars fans can't read. TOR is fully voice acted and we already had this info and screen shots from the E3. I can read just fine with *Kurzweil 3000. (insider joke lol ). Well.. at least there's cake Good cake poorly done. Today's cake wrecks are all Star Wars themed.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TOR Talk Tuesdays!

TOR Talk Tuesdays are a blog segment I'm going to have each week either talking about an idea no one understands or a thought about Star Wars The Old Republic that I feel I can answer well. This hopefully will make you think deeper about game answer fears, and hopefully drive better debates. This week is going to be on what Bioware means by their term Heroic.

Everyone* can be super! And when everyone's super--
[chuckles evily] --no one will be. Syndrome (Disney's The Incredibles 2004 ).

This is somewhat the same comment people make about the word Heroic the way Bioware will use it. People think it refers to deeds like blowing up a sith plan and saving the day. Bioware doesn't mean the fate of the world is always up to you; rather you will be a well trained class important in your own way. Grand Moff Tarkin is Heroic under the term according to Bioware and most would agree. He is high in the Empire chain and does order to destroy Alderaan - big, but not a large war move. Mon Mothma is Heroic but her role amounts to guild leader in game terms. Wedge is known as side support for most of his life. As you can see they all are Heroic in some way other than being "The Hero ".

Bioware seems to use the word Heroic in this way. We all know at least one Heroic person in our lives. Firemen, soldiers or a honest hard working person are Heroic in some way but most times their deeds aren't legendary for most of the world. Now I'm sure some events Bioware has planned are Death Star huge but on the whole, players can be Heroic with out being the Hero.

Sorry i was late - please debate and think on this week's topic.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

E3 Awesomeness and more

Since I am not allowed in the E3, I can’t rightly say the game plays like it looks or that there is dual wielding. The game movie looks great but not real (like Padme’s baby belly). It’s got to be better than having players who are younger than me (SWG-wise) tell me how to role-play a Jedi then prove they have no deeper understanding of peace keeper and lore as they treat those ideals as nice flavor words for the group. During a Padawan’s Jedi Temple lesson which focused heavily on KOTOR (which one of the LEADING Council Members didn’t even seem to care to know or look up to seem smart) an Imp BH attacked a member while the rest just gave an ‘oh look a member is being attacked’ dumbfounded look. I know TNJO were the oddballs (or so I’m told weekly if I show any dislike of LJO ways). My request could be as small as TJNO had a book club – can I start one for LJO? which sets my friend into a rant about TNJO never had Allies with all the two-bit RP-er groups (even the ones that hunt us during teaching time). We were all Star Wars eggheads that acted like a true order (regardless of our few canon redefining). Having a sheer love and understanding to play a Jedi is more important than being up to server standard.

I have a plan to write more often. I have been busy with the Star Wars White Knight RPG More on that soon.